C.O.R.E Dance Project Celebrates its 17th Fabulous Season!
In 2008 we started teaching classes out of the Paris Presbyterian Church in Paris Ontario. We were home to about 70 dancers that just lit up the basement of the church. The dancers were so filled with the love of dance. We even danced down the main street in Paris for the Santa Claus Parade!! All of our little ones were pulled in wagons and waved their little arms off!

In 2009 we opened our studio in downtown Paris on Broadway St. We grew to about 170 students and began offering more classes in a variety of disciplines. We added Carrie to our staff who taught Yoga and Pilates. We became very involved in the Community and participated in the Santa Claus Parade and the Summer Street Festival. We also had our first recital “Living a Dream” at the Paris District High School. We also began our “End of the year BBQ and Party” tradition that still holds strong! What a great way for all the families and dancers to come together and celebrate a great season of dance.
In 2010 we remained at our Broadway St location and grew to about 250 dancers. The talent coming out of our basement studio was incredible!! We all wanted to do more. We did the Santa Claus Parade, Springtime in Paris and the Summer Street Festival. We had our second recital “What a Difference a Year Makes” at the Paris Fairgrounds
In 2011 we built our dream studio on 74 Scott Ave in Paris, Ontario. We are currently the dance home of over 500 dancers. The studio is so full of energy and the passion for dance. We feel like our dreams have come true with the studio we are all able to dance in. It is a welcoming environment and is filled with fantastic dancers of all ages and abilities.

We are a young studio FULL of passion and love for dance. We are a very family oriented studio that is a huge part of our community. We are building strong and healthy dancers in a fun, safe and structured environment.
This season is sure to be filled with even more excitement! Feel free to contact us for more info anytime. Can’t wait for what’s to come!